• News aggregator on electric cars and electric vehicles (cars, motorcycles, boats, planes).

China’s grip on the global EV market tightens

China’s electric vehicle market impressive growth shows no signs of slowing down. It captured an impressive 76% of the global market share in October. And all that despite trade tensions and tariffs imposed by Western countries, proving that Chinese EV industry is as resilient as ever. According to the China Passenger Car Association, a remarkable 14.1 million Chinese EVs were… Read more…

Overcoming grid upgrade barriers when building EV charging sites (Webinar)

Today’s electric grid won’t be able to keep up with increasing demand from electrified fleets without significant upgrades. Given that grid upgrades can take years to implement, however, fleets, charging networks, transportation planners, utilities, and other stakeholders need to collaborate closely to ensure that fleet electrification continues to advance. In this webinar from the clean… Read more…

Lake Tahoe to link 14 ski resorts with Candela P-12 electric hydrofoil ferry

Lake Tahoe, the largest Alpine lake in North America, became a transportation hub after the 1848 California Gold Rush. Mail delivery then took place via a sailboat that visited each community, and steamboats began plying the river in 1863. The advent of automobiles in the 20th century diminished the steamers’ popularity, but the pendulum might… Read more…